Book - Surrounded by Psychopaths, Thomas Erikson

My thoughts on this book.


  • Contains a simplified pop-psyche style personality profile where people are divided into “colours”, which actually could be quite useful for dealing with different types of people. It does acknowledge that the types are not a perfect description and also most people do not fit into one category.
  • Interesting description of psychopaths and how we can mistake different personalities as being psychopathic.
  • Talks about manipulation techniques people use and how to combat them, pointing out that it’s not just psychopaths who use these techniques, but psychopaths will likely be skilled at many of these techniques. Generally, a repeated theme is that if you’re dealing with a psychopath then the number 1 option, if available, is to separate yourself from them.

My opinion

However simplified a psychologist may think this book is, I think this contains some very useful information and actionable methods to deal with manipulative behaviour, whether that is from someone who even knows they are being manipulative or not. It was interesting how certain real life acquaintances came to mind when reading through the character types, psychopathic traits and manipulation techniques. I believe we should arm ourselves with this kind of information so we have more power against manipulation.

See also